Faster Than Skin Cancer

An initiative to raise awareness of skin cancer

Each year more and more (↑) people are diagnosed with melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Skin cancer is meanwhile in the top 3 (↑) of the most common cancer types amongst young adults. Many people don’t take measures to prevent (←) skin cancer and don’t check changes on their skin, while early detection can be crucial.

No matter if it's summer or winter, all year round...

...we aim to bring the number of newly diagnosed skin cancer patients down (↓) and when prevention has failed, we aim for early detection (←) by encouraging you to:

Protect your skin from sun damage

Take note of suspicious spots on your skin (->) fast

Start a conversation about skin cancer

Spot the Dot teamed up with those who already enjoy being fast
Meet some of our international ambassadors by using the arrows

How to be faster than skin cancer

We love nothing more than being outdoors and enjoying the sun, whether cycling, running, surfing, skiing or any other type of outdoor pursuit but we want to ensure that people can experience this joy without problems down the line.

Don’t underestimate the dangers of being (active) in the sun without protecting your skin. The skin damage you now incur increases your chances of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer in later life. The good news is that when diagnosed early, the survival chances of melanoma are high (↑), but melanoma spreads relatively quickly (→) and survival with metastatic melanoma is very limited (↓).

Therefore keep the following in mind

UV light is the most preventable risk factor for all skin cancers. Exposure to the sun is unavoidable in many outdoor sports; however we encourage everyone to protect their skin from harmful UV light in a way that suits them best. For example:

  • Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher (↑)
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Seek the shade
  • Go out when the UV rates are lowest (↓)

Examine your skin head-to-toe every month. Self-exams should NOT replace the annual skin exam performed by a physician BUT they offer the best chance (↑) of detecting the early warning signs of skin cancer. If you notice any changes in an existing mole or discover a new one that looks suspicious, be safe and (→) consult a doctor.

Make sure you schedule a yearly skin check with a dermatologist. Remember, melanoma spreads relatively quickly (→) and survival with metastatic melanoma is very limited (↓) Early detection can be crucial and can save your life.

FTS x Willpower Cap

Spot the Dot is a non-profit founded in 2015 and run by Dutch melanoma patient Marije Kruis. The organization collaborates with a global network of artists, athletes, skin cancer patients, and dermatologists to amplify awareness surrounding melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Their collective mission across all initiatives is to inspire people to initiate vital conversations with both their loved ones and healthcare providers, emphasizing the significance of proactive measures in preventing and detecting skin cancer early. Learn more via 

We are always looking for ways to collaborate. Please reach out to us if you want to become an ambassador, if you can help us to produce more FTS merchandise or if you have an idea to work together with (sports) events.

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Disclaimer: All information contained on this site is intended for general educational, informational and helpful purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or a medical examination. Furthermore we do not want to offend anyone with our rather bold campaign title. We are not saying that you can always avoid or “beat” skin cancer. Our campaign title relates to the movements in sports as well as to our aim to encourage people to detect skin cancer fast (spot your dots).

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