‘Love Your Body’ expositie in Madrid

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A collaboration between Clínica Dermatológica Internacional & Spot the Dot

On February 2023 we got to exhibit a series of photographs curated by melanoma patient and founder of the non-profit Spot the Dot, Marije Kruis at the prestigious Clínica Dermatológica Internacional in Madrid, Spain. An exhibition aiming to encourage body positivity and awareness of skin cancer.

Skin cancer awareness

Each year more and more people are diagnosed with melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Skin cancer is meanwhile in the top 10 of the most common cancer types amongst young adults. Marije Kruis, was diagnosed with melanoma at a young age herself and realised she and everyone around her, had many misconceptions about skin cancer.

Una serie fotográfica en Madrid 7

“Many people think skin cancer only happens to old and very pale people. I also often hear people thinking that skin cancer is not dangerous. I never knew the importance of skin checks and I had no idea how to recognoze a suspicious mole. And even now, after my diagnosis, people tell me I should get more of a tan. Which made me think: is a beauty standard worth dying for.”

The launch of our game in Spanish

Thanks to Cantabria Labs we got to launch our skin cancer education game now also in Spanish! Play “Veo veo un lunar” now for free on your phone via this link.

'Love Your Body' expositie in Madrid 1

A photo series

Marije Kruis reached out to awarded photographer Max Manavi-Huber to create a series of photogaphs that challenges the viewer to think about the relationship they have with their own skin. Do we take better care of our body if we truly feel good in our own skin? “I hope these photographs inspire people to love the skin and body they are in, no matter the physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance. We are all beautiful. We all should take good care of our skin and spot our dots. Early detection of skin cancer saves lives!” – Marije Kruis, founder of Spot the Dot and melanoma patient (potential photos of Marije

“Only when we are able to love our bodies will we create the awareness to check our skin regularly. For the art direction round shapes, circles, and dots were implemented in the make-up, styling and set design to create a constant link to the organization’s name (Spot the Dot).” – Max Manavi-Huber, photographer and art director

Skin cancer does not discriminate

People of all age, gender and color, can get skin cancer. Even if you never sunburn, you can get skin cancer. There is a common misconception that individuals with dark skin are not at risk for skin cancer. In fact, when skin cancer is diagnosed in people of color, it’s often in a late stage when diagnosed. Regular skin checks are important for everyone human being. The good news is you can find skin cancer early. Found early, most skin cancers, including melanoma, can be cured. Dermatologists recommend scheduling an annual skin check, as well as regular self checks of the skin. The better you know your body, the easier it is to take note of changes on your skin.

Press featuring the exhibition

Vanitas El Confidential
La Vangardia
El Independiente
Bee Magazine
Ruber Internacional
Diario de Burgos
Time News
El Plural
Nouvelle du Monde
and more…

Visit the exhibition in Madrid

From 24.02.2023- 30.06.2023

9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday * To visit the exposition, please write an email first to exposicion@clinicacdi.com


Clínica Dermatológica Internacional

c/Marqués de Villamagna, 8

28001 Madrid


#LoveYourBodyCDI #SpotTheDotCDI #RevisaTusLunares


A collaboration with Clínica Dermatológica Internacional

Coordination: Frida Muntión / Marije Kruis

Photography / Art direction: Max Manavi-Huber

Analogue photography & film: Marko Mestrovic

Assistant: Valentin Schörghuber

Models by Das Deck

Styling: Sabine Ortlieb

Makeup: Nil Stranzinger

Set Design: Studio Tina Hausmann / Studio Sprosse

Studio: PPM Foto


Thank you

Una serie fotográfica en Madrid 8

Una serie fotográfica en Madrid 9

#spotthedot #skincancerawareness