Faster Than Skincancer- winter edition

Because you should spot your dots in every season of the year

Face masks, panic buying, lockdown – the Corona pandemic is affecting our day-to-day life. Instead of long-distance trips, outdoor activities are currently very popular. Many of us still want to enjoy the last rays of sunshine and boost our vitamin D production. The outdoor activities are as diverse as we are: meeting friends for a walk, going for a run or dedicating ourselves to winter sports. Nevertheless, even in the cold season we must not underestimate the power of the sun and we have to think about sun protection!

We want to remind you that checking your skin is important in every season of the year.

The winter edition

We invite you to look at the winter edition of our Faster Than Skincancer campaign here, showing new (winter) athletes, videos, merchandising and more:
And ofcourse you find all our new content on our Instagram page
Buy your FTS merchandise via:
Our limited edition FTS goggles are available here

Faster Than Skincancer media campaign

With a campaign website in six languages, featuring thirty international ambassadors and a collaboration with established photographers such as Tim Cavadini and Manuel Peric, we roll out a new media campaign. Aiming to inspire print media to publish content on skin cancer awareness. The official press release is planned for January 2021, in collaboration with the global melanoma patient advocacy coalition. For questions or media inquiries please reach out to us via

Faster Than Skincancer- winter edition 1

Your Sun Protection Guide to Winterwonderland

Dermatologist Amanda Zbyszewski wrote an article on how to be faster than skincancer in winter.
Read it here

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Faster Than Skincancer goggles

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These premium limited edition Vision 1 Eyewear  X Faster Than Skincancer goggles are made from post-consumer recycled plastic and eco-friendly, bio-sourced lenses. Designed by The arrows can be seen from the outside but not when you are wearing them. Obviously, these goggles can be used for winter sports but also for motorcycle racing, trail biking, woodwork, champagne showers, etc. While you wear the goggles, you might remind people around you to slap on sunscreen and you support Spot the Dot in our quest to raise awareness of skin cancer.

Buy them here

100% of the proceeds will go to Spot the Dot and will be used to raise awareness of skin cancer

Faster Than Skincancer winter ambassadors

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Benjamin Karl, Olympic medalist and seven time World Cup winner -> Snowboarding
Austria “Hey everyone, I’m a professional snowboarder and (just like everyone else) I am at risk of developing skin cancer myself! To protect myself from this, I go to my dermatologist for skin examinations several times a year. Early diagnosis can save lives, so go ahead, spot your dots.”

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-> Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit and personal trainer
Photo: Wil Delissen “Adventure, sports and trying to expand my limits. Always challenging myself. That sums up my lifestyle. And to be honest, one can only do so while being healthy, in all aspects of life. Taking care of my biggest organ, my skin, is important in order to keep exploring my limits. Being outdoors for several hours a day, I simply can’t ignore the fact that the sun is both a joy and a risk. Sunscreen: Always!”

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Lennaert -> melanoma stage IIIC patient
Netherlands. “In 2010, I went to see a dermatologist because of a mole that felt a bit itchy. The mole was removed and I never expected the news that the doctor gave me a week later. I have melanoma?! At first I didn’t even know what it was exactly, but that became clear during the conversation. There I was, 35 years young and I had cancer. Meanwhile I still have metastatic melanoma cancer, stage 3C. I have had many treatments and operations as well as many ups and downs since. I try to make people aware of how to properly protect their skin against the dangers of the sun. Melanoma is no joke. Please check your skin, and the skin of the people around you!”

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Dr Göran van Rooijen, Dermatologist and Mohs’ surgeon -> Road cycling and snowboarding
Netherlands. “Only thinking about which descent to take and following my legs.. Winter sports are one of the best ways to relax for me. Finally my head is empty. But perhaps, sometimes a bit too empty, because applying SPF is often forgotten.  Altitude, bright sun and reflection through the snow provide high doses of UV light, which causes skin cancer. Hopefully through this campaign we plant a seed in your mind, so that you use SPF the next time you ride through the snow (or any other day!). Because you may not notice it now, but I see the sun damage from 10-20 years ago on my patients skin every day…”

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->Triathlon and Trail Running. Canada.  “As a triathlete and trail runner, I spend a tremendous amount of time outside. I am vigilant about wearing sunscreen but I did not take enough precautions to protect myself from the sun in my teenage years and early 20’s. I wish I could go back and have a conversation with my younger self about skin cancer. I was diagnosed with melanoma (in situ/stage 0) in October 2020. Melanoma is aggressive and can be deadly because it can spread quickly…unless you catch it early like I did. Please check your skin! I feel like I was just grazed by a bullet and I hope by sharing my experience and sparking a discussion about skin cancer that others can dodge that bullet too.”


Find many more ambassadors from all over the world on