Rebel against skin cancer Winter festival

2017, Groningen, The Netherlands

Who says skin cancer awareness can’t be fun?

Spot the Dot and the Dutch Melanoma Foundation presented in February of 2017 a worldwide skin cancer awareness campaign called Rebel against skin cancer. As a kick-off they organised a full DIY winterfestival in the very north of The Netherlands at the brand new Rebel Rebel hostel in Groningen on February 11, 2017.


By Thom Easix and Jelle Chill

By Rick Biemolt


Rebel Against Skincancer Winter Festival

☆ Rebel Against Skincancer: Winter Festival (NL) ☆ bij Rebel Rebel op het Suikerunieterrein. Stichting Spot The Dot organiseerde dit festival om jongeren alert te maken op de gevaren van huidkanker.Interviews met Marije Kruis, Jorrit Terra en Michel VeltOptreden van Joost DijkemaGemaakt door Elin Stil en Paul Blom

Gepostet von OOG Radio & Televisie am Montag, 13. Februar 2017

Our sponsor Montana Cans also wrote a report on our event, visit the blog post here


By Len Lorijn and Eva Staber

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Thank you

This skin cancer awareness campaign is an initiative of Spot the Dot and The Dutch Melanoma Foundation. The winter festival was organised together with Rebel Rebel hostel in Groningen. …and was heavily inspired by David Bowie.
Video made by: Thom Easix and Jelle Chill (special thanks to Rick Biemolt)
Soundtrack: The Heavy Minds- Rivers

The festival visitors | all our online followers | 3TAC | Black Dynamite Soundsystem | BLAEK Design Studio | Blue Rebel | Bouwmaat Groningen | Cool Shit Club | DAT mag | Dr. Jorrit Terra | Eva Staber | Eva Waterbolk | Eva Wolf | De Frietfiets Noord Nederland | De Wolven | Feestverhuur Groningen | Fotodoos | Freek Werkman| Ingo the Gringo | Jelle Chill | Johannes Riegler | Joost Dijkema | Len Lorijn | Kaldi koffie | Klaas Boter | Knal feestverhuur | Laureen Langkamp | Liko Films | Liquitex Artist Materials | Lucia Friedrich | Michael Pasterk | Michel Velt | Montana Cans | Mozes and the Firstborn | NetzoDruk | Onkruid | Ovylux Producties | ph1 | Pivo Brouwers | R.C. Sullivan | Rick Biemolt | Ruud Nova | Screen70 zeefdruk | Shabby Cabs | Snowburner | Super Rebel | Swain | The Heavy Minds | The Hague Street Art | TOET het toetjesparadijs | Zoé Déjean and all other rebels who took their time, love and energy to support our campaign and our festival. You all rock!