Spot the Towel

Summer 2021

One of our favorite street artists, David Leitner, created a stunning mural for Spot the Dot in 2019 to raise awareness about skin cancer. Together with the team behind scHAUThin Hautkrebs (an initiative by Pierre Fabre) we decided to transform this beautiful work of art into a beach towel. We hope this eye catcher reminds you to protect your skin (and the skin of the people around you) from sunburn all year round.

Spot the Towel 1

This statement towel can of course be used for beach breaks, but since it’s very light, you can easily take it with you to festivals, yoga classes, picnics in the park, basketball games, or any sweaty activity. While you are using the towel, you support us in our endeavors to raise awareness of skin cancer, especially if you use it as a conversation piece and ask your friends, “When was the last time you did a skin check?”

Spot the Towel 2


The towel is produced in a limited edition. Only a few of these are sold in our shop, so be quick! 100% of the proceeds go to Spot the Dot and will be used to raise awareness of skin cancer worldwide.


  • Size: 180 x 70 cm
  • Weight: 460 g
  • Material printed side: 100% Microfiber
  • Material unprinted side : 100 % Cotton
  • Extras: Together with the towel you’ll receive all kinds of Spot the Dot stickers and other small goodies such as a small foldable booklet (in both German and English) with information on self-examination of the skin according to the ABCDE rule as well as

Buy #SpotTheTowel here

Spot the Towel 3

scHAUThin Hautkrebs

We would not have been able to carry out this project without the great commitment of the team behind the scHAUThin skin cancer initiative. Together we realized this project to reach people all over the world and to encourage them to protect and detect skin cancer.

With the #scHAUThin (German for „look closer“) initiative, Pierre Fabre wants to draw more attention to our skin. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers. Nevertheless, many people underestimate the disease and its consequences: Skin cancer can go unnoticed for a long time because it causes hardly any physical discomfort. Especially in case malignant melanoma this is far more dangerous, because it can affect other organs. scHAUThin wants you to know how important it is to take a look in time – at yourself and also at your partner, relatives or friends. Responsible use of the sun’s UV radiation can reduce the risk of disease.

Learn more via

Instagram: @schauthin.hautkrebs

Faster Than Skincancer

A campaign to raise awareness of skin cancer in every season of the year

Each year more and more people are diagnosed with melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Skin cancer is meanwhile in the top 3 of the most common cancer types amongst young adults. Many people don’t take measures to prevent skin cancer and don’t check changes on their skin, while early detection can be crucial.

We aim to bring the number of newly diagnosed skin cancer patients down and when prevention has failed, we aim for early detection by encouraging you to:

  • Protect your skin from sun damage
  • Take note of suspicious spots on your skin (->) fast
  • Start a conversation about skin cancer

Learn more via

David Leitner

David Leitner is a visual artist from Austria who has significantly supported Spot the Dot over the years.

Learn more via

Instagram: @david_leitner

Sharing is caring

If you want to support our campaign, please follow us on social media and share a photo of yourself and your towel with the tags #scHAUThintuch #SpotTheTowel

Instagram: @schauthin.hautkrebs
Facebook: @spotthedotcampaign @schauthin.hautkrebs
Twitter: @spot_the_dot
YouTube channel