Faster Than Skincancer: the videos

We've been road cycling and skating to speed riding and skiing down the highest mountains to show you it's important to be #fasterthanskincancer

A reminder to spot your dots in every season of the year.

Maybe you had a nice walk in the park or you were out (ice)skating, now after a hot shower  it’s time to check your skin (spot your dots). ⁠⁠  UV protection is the basis for the prevention of melanoma, but also other types of skin cancer. Self-examination of the skin  on a monthly basis, as well as examination of the entire skin by a dermatologist  once a year enables early diagnosis of melanoma. Be #fasterthanskincancer

Spot the Dot teamed up with those who already enjoy being fast…


Free skiing: faster than skincancer

Power lifting:

Trail running: faster than skincancer

Skating: faster than skincancer

Ski touring: faster than skincancer

Road cycling: faster than skincancer

Speed riding: faster than skincancer

Ice skating: faster than skincancer (by students)

Boxing: faster than skincancer (by students)


Learn more

Faster Than Skincancer campaign (in 6 languages!)
And ofcourse you find all our new content on our Instagram page
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