Exhibition opening in Madrid
Spot the Dot and the International Dermatological Clinic (CDI) in Madrid (with the support of Ruber International Hospital), have launched the photography exhibition ‘Love your body’ to claim the importance of early diagnosis, raise awareness about skin cancer among the youngest, encourage self-examination of the body and highlight the importance of having moles checked once a year by a dermatologist, in addition to promoting body positivity.
“We are extremely excited to use the facilities of the International Dermatological Clinic to host this exhibition. In fact, the premises used to be an exhibition hall. We believe in the healing power of art. And that is why we joined this project which is about combining the concepts of art and skin. Our skin can isolate us, it can communicate with us, it can exclude and include us in front of others. We are our skin”, said the medical director of the International Dermatological Clinic (CDI) and head of the Dermatology department at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid, Ricardo Ruiz.
The exhibition is open to the public until June 30th, 2023 At the Clínica Dermatológica Internacional (CDI) facilities in Madrid. ‘Love your body’ features 21 works by the Austrian photographer Max Manavi-Huber and selected by Marije Kruis, a melanoma patient and founder of the non-profit organization Spot the Dot .
Curated by the dermatologist expert in skin oncology and dermatological surgery from CDI and Hospital Ruber Internacional, Pedro Rodriguezthe photographic exhibition has the special collaboration of the Ramón Areces Foundation and the artistic project ‘Colección Solo’.
“The message of the exposure is twofold: it is not only necessary to worry about skin cancer when the first rays of the sun appear, and it is not only useful to apply sunscreen to avoid skin cancer. Although we must use all the tools at our disposal provision for avoid sun damage; glasses, hats, sun protection, the essential part that is to check the moles should not be forgotten. What makes the difference is visiting your dermatologist once a year, because cancer is detected in consultation,” Ruiz explained.
And it is that skin cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, with a very good recovery rate. However, social awareness of skin cancer symptoms is currently low, meaning vital opportunities for early detection may be missed.
Both the International Dermatological Clinic, a promoter of the ‘Love your body’ campaign by Spot the Dot, as well as Hospital Ruber Internacional are two leading centers in Spain in specialised in the field of Dermatology. The team led by Ruiz, a specialist in oncological and aesthetic dermatology and recognized by ‘Forbes’ magazine as one of the best doctors in Spain, was a pioneer in performing microscopically controlled skin cancer surgery in Madrid 25 years ago. , named mohs Surgery, highly effective in treating certain common types of skin cancer.
👉🏼Everyone can visit the exhibition between February 24 and June 30, make sure to send an email before to exposicion@clinicacdi.com
Campaign by Spot the Dot
Collaboration with dr Ricardo Ruiz, medical director Clínica Dermatológica Internacional (CDI)
Curator: Dr. Pedro Rodriguez, CDI
Organization: Marije Kruis & Frida Muntion
Photography / Art direction: Max Manavi-Huber
Analogue photography & film: Marko Mestrovic
Assistant: Valentin Schörghuber
Models by Das Deck
Styling: Sabine Ortlieb
Makeup: Nil Stranzinger
Set Design: Studio Tina Hausmann / Studio Sprosse
Studio: PPM Foto Vienna